Friday, October 25, 2019

GREENHOUSE-EFFECT-SONGS-2019 - THE METAL JIMMY INTERVIEW =============================================================== METAL JIMMY - THE LEGEND AT THE GRAVES - Video Feb 28, 9 16 33 PM from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.
================================================================================================================= Greenhouse-Effect-Songs-LIVE "Precarious" JULY1989 Santa Monica CA - BMI MUSIC HOLLYWOOD. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.
============================================================================================= METAL JIMMY INTERVIEWS G.E. !! OH MY !!
OCT 11, 2019 Los Angeles Calif !!
Live from "The Hood" South Central LA

METAL JIMMY; So Lets talk about G.e. 2019,'re how old now ,..( Laughs ), fucking 78 ??

Hagins; No,,..54 ,..but I've got this thang with me legs,, now,..feels like Lou Gehrig shit,. I limp like fucking 72 and a half ,.,..or maybe Lou Reed,, lol

METAL JIMMY ; SO LET'S TALK about the Mighty G.e. now ,..2019,..V.r it,.. You're music is getting immensely popular all around the world now, , this Jango shit just,... Payola ( laughs ) ??

Hagins ( Now both Laughing ),..Jango Radio is like the heaviest shit man ,..I can play all my fuckin' shit on there,..the whole world hears it,..and there's nothing they can do about it,..they can't stop me now,..and me Grande designs, I'm fucking Neil Peart !! aaaayyyhhee,.. a rock n roll PIRATE I YAMMS,.. LOL

Metal Jimmy ; Awe , Jack Black sucking Alex Lifeson's Cock that night at Irvine '04 or some shit,..deeeedy,.

Hagins: Awe,..they're a couple a' fucking Pirates,..

Metal Jimmy ; But bro,..admit it, be honest,..all kidding aside,'re music is quite good,..every song takes a different turn, never really settle on one thing , one place,..,very fucked up,.. YOU'RE MAIN Problem,,I have always felt,.. You don't take it seriously ENOUGH BRO ! and it's so good !!

Hagins; What do ya mean bro,.?? WTF ?.. I sit here on the fuckin' internet every night ,.. of course I take this shit serious ,..uhm,.. DUH,.

METAL; You know what I means bro,.,.. things like,.. you don't aim for a scene ,.. to "be a part of something" lol, punkers do,..or Blues Douchebags, n' all,..Surf cats,..

Hagins: Well,..That's because of way back in the day,..listening to a diverse collection of shit,..from David Bowie to,..Like Harry Nilsson to Atomic Rooster , like and,..and Neil Innes and THE RUTLES; FUCK YEAH THE RUTLES !!

METAL JIMMY; THE RUTLES ?? YOU mean that Monty Python shit, Eric idle ,.?

Hagins; Yes,.. probably me favorite band,..SO LIKE,..just think of us ,..G.e ,..we're like today's Rutles, reality ,..instead of how they were just to the Beatles,.. we are the Rutles to like 50 different bands,,..

Metal-Jimmy ; You mean like 50 70's bands,..Lol hahaha !,..60's maybe ,..

Hagins; Yeah,.. the shit from back in the day , me growing up, Redondo,..Torrance shit,..

Metal ; Yeah ,...some of the shit sounds very heavy 'hella like Bowie shit,..

Hagins; Definitely ,..

Metal Jimmy; WELL, what  happened back in 1990 ,..why did you guys go separate ways with Dr. Phil,..the Flip-Meister himself,..Phil Keegan,..the MASTER OF STRAT DISASTER,..THAT LIVE SHIT WAS SO KILLER ON YOUTUBE,.. bro ! LIVE IN SANTA MONICA BRO,, SICKEST SHIT !! Just three ,..piece up the ass jammin' Ginger Baker Boss shit man !!

HAGINS; WELL,..I was a kinda a young impish weirdo kid,.. immature,.. or maybe too grown up,..listenin' to my Beatles and my Stones,..MY Bowie,.. THE WHO !!,..and all my weird artsy fartsy shit,..Flipper was into Deep Purple,.. guitar shit,..Zep , Clapton,..Ritchie Blackmore,.... don't get me wrong,..I'm into that shit too,..I dig Cream,..only ,.I think i like the early Deep Purple with Rod Evans UH EVEN MORE !!,., fuck yeah,..later on,..I loved the CAPTAIN !! FUCK YEAH CAPTAIN BEYOND !! 1972 !! ALBUM IS AMAZING !!,,...And of course Zappa !!

METAL JIMMY; WHY DO YOU think your music goes so good with my surfing shit ??

Hagins; uh,..fuck , could put anything with surfing ,..but yes,..I think my drumming locks onto surfing nicely , beats,.. 

Metal; YEAH BRO ,..WHAT'S WITH all yer' surf beats ????,...( Laughing ),...Well,..Seeing that you guys are so popular all around the world now,..300,000 fans and followers at Jango and shit,.,.. why don't you tour,..?

Hagins; I already told you ,...I'm 54 years fucking old now ( laughs ),... Hella old here bro !! Now,..

Metal ; Tell me about The early days, Ted's House,... Torrance,..El Retiro Park,..era,.. You guys were like three Spicoli Losers rocking out hard and amazing !!

Hagins,..; Well ,..those were amazing early times,..and like I mean we drank 'Early TIMES, BRO,..AND WE PARTIED, GENERALLY GOT WASTED FROM 1985 TO 1990 ,..BUT we recorded such great shit ,..important times !!

to be continued,.. 

Metal Jimmy; OK,... ok , I really want to FOCUS NOW ,..I want to talk about that "early period" of G.e. especially ,.. those days at El Retiro Park in Torrance CA, just You, Carmody and Keegan,.. how did that come to be ? 

Hagins; In 1986, I was driving this Vw piece of shit Fast back around Torrance and Redondo ,..and I had 'just learned to drive" ,..other kids drove at like  15 and a half and all that shit,.. but I never drove a car 'til I was like 21, shit ,.

Metal; No shit ?? !!

Hagins; No fucking shit bro,.. that's how fucked up I was,..and I would always go to this dudes garage to get my shitty Vw's worked on,.,..and i would hear in the distance,..that Douchebag Ted,..jammin' with these 2 dudes,.across the park ,..I always thought Ted was kinda a back-stabbin' creep ,.me and him had a band before ,..we jammed with this dude Steve "Stevo" Stepanian,..from like 1984 til 85, 86' ,..Stevo was amazing,..we played this insane heavy blues rock,,.but very original, coulda' gone some place,..great songs we had,..I arranged all of Stevo's shit,..and turned them into organized songs,..i had the mad skills ,..and we were like this tribute to the Who but like as good or even better than the Who; we were insane THREE PIECE WITH ME SINGING - FROM THE DRUMS !! An amazing bassist this dude named Dave Basen filled in for Ted,.. who sorta drifted off and just quit,.

METAL;  SHIT sounds RAD,..!!

..,..but it never really took off,..out of the garages,..I mean,..the potential was there,.. we smashed our gear and we even had like these mad cat punk rock / hard blues  moments,.. to be honest , it was a better band than G.e. ever was,..We called it "Soul Clinic" ,..we played this most unbelievable gig one night '86 in Lomita, I was just 21,.. where we opened for the Twisters, blew them the fuck off the stage,..! and they were the biggest band in Los Angeles,..a bit old by 1986 though ,..anyway ,..long story short,..Stevo liked to hang at the beach, get high, play volleyball, meet chicks,...then one day I heard he was movin' to Grass Valley way up North, ,..bummer the Soul Clinic faded into oblivion ,..but then suddenly ,..the Mighty G.e. was born !!

Metal; So how did that hook up ?

Hagins ; I went over there,..and like Ted and Flipper were jammin' in Ted's room which was such the famous jam room, South Bay Torrance 'n all ,..and they were playin' with this pretty amazing John Bonham type drummer a kid named Rich Hebben,..a way better drummer than me , I grabbed a mic,..and started singin' one night,.. then I showed up one day and they said Rich was bailin' the band to go to cooking school or some shit and suddenly I found myself doing what I love,..jamming with a Cream three piece ! AND PLAYING MY DRUMS !!,.,, like fuckin' Rush meets the Who,..Keegan was amazing on guitar and it's weird,..because I knew Phil longer than anybody ( but at the time, really hadn't seen much of him in a while ),.,..but I'd known him off and on since like we were in first grade,..1971 '72 era,.,... Park Way Elementary School Torrance by the beach, walkin' there in the mornings and hearin' Nilsson "Without you" comin' from somewhere,..great memories,.. you could walk to a school then ,.. at age 7 ,, without being abducted,..LOL

Metal Jimmy ; How did that first album,,which was so fuckin' trippy and rad,..1988 , did that come to be,.. ??

Hagins ; YEAH ,.."well ,..we jammed for what seemed like forever at Ted's house 1986 to 88'  and "Precarious" seemed to be our signature original, we played it over and over,. ,..they had played it with Hebben for a while long before,.,..but with me, got even more powerful ,.. "Number One" was this Dorian Guitar  amazing shit that Keegan wrote and would play just fucking insane ,.. these 2,..and a cover of the Yardbirds "Think about it",.. these were THE EARLIEST AMAZING EARLY WORKS OF GE !! WE WERE GENIUS INNOVATIVE ,... Coming up with something never really done before; Entirely new shit ,.. INVENTIVE ALL THE WAY ,... BUT JUST three weird retards too ,... ya know ,..from the mouths of babes kindsa shit ,..LOL ,, WE WERE Way ahead of our TIME !!! To say the least !!
Top Mefeedia Videos 2010 Greenhouse Effect Mixtape 'Precarious' #Twitter. from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force on Vimeo.


HAGINS; I think A guy named Andy Vest suggested it ,..some say I thought it up,..but I don' think so,..we were all gettin' drunk in a room,..and there it came,.. I keep the memory ,.,..though a bit blurry now,..
Greenhouse Effect Discography Chronological Recordings History Entire Complete "Number 1" 1987. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

Metal Jimmy ; You're kinda a Fox News Douchebag,.. a rightie ,..Why did that name click with you ??

Hagins; ( Laughs ) ; I wanted a name that was in conflict with my beliefs ,..something that I can debate with myself, masturbate,..( Laughs ) 

Metal; But you were lookin' for some kinda appeal ,.like environment,..or green , marijuana or somethin, connect?? with douchebags,. ?? around the South Bay,..

Hagins ;  yeah definitely ,..fuck I donno,..I am into the music,.but yeah,.I get all self worried and conflicted, doubt,.. and those times, the late 80's were weird times,.,.. I had all these "Morals" wired into me,... which was a unique and way different thing from other kids around the South Bay ,..I was raised with hardcore Center Right leaning to hard right Catholicism ,.. and it manifests itself often ,..In G.e. !!,..and it pops up now and then, those lyrics,.. there is no doubt !!

Metal-Jimmy ; Awe,..So ,..You're just kinda a weird Christian Douchebag sorta like Mustaine or Araya ,.. ?? LOL

Hagins; EXACTLY like those Douchebags ,..but even WORSE ( LOL ),..BUT with a Psychedelic grunge indie garage rock twist, ,... for like Little Steven's Underground Garage !! 

Metal; LOL ( Both Laughing ),..How about the song "The Magic Man" ? that's classic fucking shit,..whats that all about ,. ??

Hagins; Well,.I was like 23,.. tryin' to branch out,..and that was sorta this accidental tribute to my mother, comparison to what pro athletes make money wise vs,..her school teacher gig,.. (laughs),.. more of my morals shit , work , 

Metal; so you guys had this amazing album goin' all around the South Bay and L.A ,.. were you guys blowin up or just blowin, ?? THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT "GLOBAL WARMING" FUCKING AMAZING EARLY FIRST SHIT MAN !!

Hagins; LOL WELL,...We started to blow up kinda big and get a great reputation,... the whole scene in Los Angeles was Heavy Metal ya know like Motley Crue / Poison typa shit,..but we hated that shit,.. we kinda liked Maiden though ( laughs ),..AND SLAYER !!! Bands that are kinda technical ,.. but,..WE were JUST three REGULAR DOUCHE guys who dressed normal,.. just t shirts ,..well ya know we dressed like shit ,..especially me n Ted,..we felt like shit,,.it was a reflection , extension IF YOU WILL,.. of being told yer a douchebag n' shit all the time,..( Laughs ) .,.Flipper was a little more normal HE had like this way better upbringing than us,.,..he had a clean demeanor , nice guy clothes, dude looked like Greg Brady but played a mean fuckin' axe !! it was like this total contradiction ,.a little reminded me of Angry Samoans typa vibe, ,,... I always got that vibe off the guy,..he was tallish,.. wore these striped soccer shirts,..looked maybe like one of the Menendes Brothers,,..but with a Guitar,.. 
,.... but put it all together; and we were totally revolutionary shit ,.... 

Metal ; A lot of your life seems to fuse into G,e, , really get's into those lyrics in "Racers" almost makes me cry n shit,..great fuckin' tune; EARLY Proto GRUNGE ALL THE WAY 1988 !! man !!

HAGINS; YEAH ,..that's a fuckin' amazing track,..I wish we could go back in time and re-recorded it a bit tighter ,..though it does sound pretty rad,.. as it is,.

Metal ; So the year 1988 was pretty rad ?

Hagins ; No,..not really , personal life was trippy,.. there was this chick I was into,..she got married to someone else,.. I felt like shit,..but survived it and moved on ,..all kindsa shit,.. lotsa family shit,.. but we played some sick gigs, doubt,..great memories,..

Metal : Why are there so many songs not on Jango ?? ,.. why do you not have up that song "Actor" such a great fuckin' tune,..from 88' ,..and Little Man,.. ?? and others ! Bro ??

Hagins;  I will probably find those and put them up soon someday ,.. lol,.."Actor" is kinda lame and cheesey ,..but I knew you might like that lame shit ,, sounds as lame as like some Deep Purple metal tribute,..( Laughs ),..anyway,..the live gigs 88' were rad,..some legendary break through shit,.. We knew we had something totally unique, different, a full resurgence of like 1966 to 68' shit ,.. we started sending all this shit to labels,..indie AND MAJOR ,..WE KNEW WE WERE THAT FUCKING RAD,.. WE COULD sign with a major label deal ,...but I also knew,..We could improve too !!

Metal; Then comes early 1989 ,..and you guys are then gettin' into trippier shit,..what was the deal with "A Current Affair" ,.. fuck that shit was rad !! 

To be continued ; @ Jango #Radio
October 8, 2019

Hagins; Yeah 89' was when I was turning 24 ,... listening to a lotta shit like Captain Beyond ,...and experimenting with weird drum beats,... I was getting a bit of a reputation for drums by 89 era,..  which I kinda hated because my singing was so important to me,. but I was a pretty rad drummer, no doubt,.. our three piece line up was BY THEN PRETTY MUCH  unbeatable shit,..the way we looked, the way we stood there, rocked out, drumming definitely propelled those 2 clowns, a higher level,.. but being a singer from the drums,..took a lotta practice back at THE 251 garage,... I was a perfectionist ,..I had to nail the drums with energy exact like Keith Moon or Neil Peart ,..but I had to nail the lead vocals as i drummed,.. live, ,..AND,..the vocals were way different from the studio,..nothing like them,.. in fact,..much more bass in them live,..had to be, get above the drums,.. We were starting to play amazing shit live ,..but we totally struggled with "A Current Affair" ,, that weird beat ,..sorta like "Dancing Madly Backwards" By Captain Beyond,..I just couldn't pull it,..but all the 4/ 4 shit was very doable,..and we were insane live,.. THE BEST !! THE LOUDEST, THE SWEATIEST !! 
A Current Affair ( Greenhouse Effect) 1989 Video. Phil Keegan , Clarks Higgins from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force on Vimeo.

Metal-Jimmy; Yeah Yeah Blah Blah ,'re a self proclaimed legend ,.. the Ty Cobb of garage rock,.. but let's get to the real story behind G.e. ,..Now,..when did you meet the 2 douchebags who later signed Nirvana , the Geffen Connection n' all , ??

Hagins: This happened long before indie and Alternative rock would break out in the Early 1990's ,... I would meet Craig Aaronson at a record shop up in Hollywood one day while putting down flyers for a G.e. gig ,.. but this was some time back in 1988 ,.. he told me that he "was connected" to A & R People but that he did not yet actually have a job at any Record Labels , he told me that he played in bands around town ,..and he also wondered if I was 'connected to anything" ,.lol,..

Metal-Jimmy ; Did you give him a G.e. tape then ?

Hagins; "FUCK ,..yes,..of course,.. he got Global Warming and my phone number, etc,.. and it wasn't long before he called me , 251,..

Metal-Jimmy ; So what happened,..did he like it,..??

Hagins: FUCK ,..DID HE LIKE IT ??,...he was completely Blown away and he said he would "give it to others" ,.he gushed to me that he had NEVER heard a sound like "Precarious" and "Number One" and all this shit,.. he said it was the highest Energy shit,.. like maybe the Yardbirds,..type shit,...very 60's vibe,..yet totally up to date,.. he mentioned that he was going to give all my stuff to this guy named Gary ,.. and he gave me an address in West Los Angeles, mail him more stuff that he needed,..8 X 10 glossies ,..etc,.. better pics than I had already given him,.. I put together one of our Promo packages,..which were always the best in rock ,.. and mailed all the Shit to the guy ,..then suddenly ,..I would see him down in the South Bay,..I would bump into him at record shops DOWN HERE,.. he seemed big interested in Redondo Beach quickly I saw, , I remember telling him,..the odds at finding another G.e. around here are slim,..BUDDY ,.. and that we were a rare thing and that we "Were not the typical sound,..of the South Bay" lol,.. rummaging around Hermosa won't do ya much good !"

METAL JIMMY ; DID you ever hear anything,.? did you follow up ?? with your tapes,.

Hagins; I mean,..i would call the guy,..I did what I could ,.. but I didn't wanna bug the dude too much ,..shit,..sheesh,..believe me,..  bro,.I TRIED,..I AM ME BRO,..A PRETTY PESKY PERSISTENT ,..DUDE HERE,.. I remember I told Flipper and Ted didn't seem real interested JUST thought I was full of shit as usual,.lol,..,... We were drunks n stoners,..remember,.. but I "knew" we were onto something and that, WAS UP TO ME,.. !!,..ALSO I KNEW,..We had to keep moving forward,..with our music,..our sound,.. !!I explored 'other" connections too,.. I would meet up with ,..a guy named Larry Coven who said he was connected to Electra Records, etc,.. I mean dude shit,..bro,..I met all these people,.but you know L.A,'s crowded,'s tough ,..and it was ALL HEAVY METAL 1988, 89, 90, ,...EVEN Most of 91' !!

METAL ; I SEE FLIPPER sings a track from your second album,..I  should say your Ep,..the colored vinyl,.. "Six Feet Under" kinda rad little song,.. 

Hagins: yes,.. "The Four Song E.p." ,..cost me like 1000.00 $ to make ,..a lot of money back in 1989 !! , still be putting out a vinyl !! I sold them all out though,,, I wish I had one,..( lol ),, My wife today Veleda,..she loves the song 3/4 ( which is played in 3/4 time or 6/8 or ,..whatever,.. another one of my fucked up drumming oriented ideas , LOL ),.. which was about that chick named Tania ,..( lol ) who got married,..  
Metal: the vibe for G.e. must have been growing huge !! 89'

Hagins; Yeah, was,..but things come and go,..ebbs and flows,.. the way I look back at it now,..1988 was a way better year,... no way to cut through that L.A Hair metal scene , and Bam Magazine shit n all,..1989,.. these were simply "Not" alternative rock or emo times, all, ,, believe me,..a douchebag like you would have loved 89' ,..LOL !!

Metal-Jimmy ; So you get to 1990 and now you guys have some amazing shit,.."Coke Snorting" and "Waiting for your Love to Fail" , Immorally Moral ,.. the buzz must have been ridiculous ,.. 

Hagins,.. By 1990, G.e. were playing bigger shows,... a huge gig at Wilson Park in Torrance in front of like 2000 people,.. and no doubt, Hollywood had taken notice of us,.. but the shit with Bam Magazine was weird , They fully took my shit out of context , printed weird shit, I was talking to Attorneys,..'wanted to sue these Losers,, ! , sister died in May 1990,..right in the middle of our recording,.. all kindsa weird shit goin' down, alotta people hated me,.. South Bay drama shit ,.. but things were about to get really odd for G.e. ,... we were about to take a turn,..into the Twilight Zone,...
Metal Jimmy ; Virus O' Syrus ,..the sickest "metal" shit you ever recorded,..not on Jango, hard to find online,.. you need to make videos for that shit and put that shit up !! ,..but ,.. I know you parted ways with Flipper 1990,..what the fuck happened,..?? That must been some heavy drama shit !!
Greenhouse Effect Songs 2017 - BMI Music Hollywood_HQ - Los Angeles - Jango Radio from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.
South Bay type shit ??

Hagins: Our egos had gotten huge ,... I made the stupid suggestion to put me at lead singer only and for us to look for a drummer,.. We found a guy named Mike,..this Mexican dude,..who was pretty good on drums,.. we found him in the Recycler Paper -the CraigsList of the day ( lol ),..AND ,.. a lot of people were like "Shark,..yer the Great Drummer,..why are you just singing,..? you are killing the special magic trio thing that IS G.E. " ,..I DIDN'T CARE,.. I wanted to get signed badly and I figured a more "Normal" 4 piece band was the way to go ,...

Metal-Jimmy ; "But G.e. is NOT A FOUR PIECE,... YOU GUYS were a natural three-some,.. you guys going 4 ,..that would be like Rush putting Geddy on lead vocals and hiring a bassist,..bad move !! IT KILLS YOUR WHOLE IMAGE !! MIKE WATT WOULD , bummed,.. 

Hagins: yeah,..we didn't think it through,.. We didn't ,.like,.. know it at the time,..but I sorta did,..the Mike Valencia Version of the band was actually kinda Professional-ish live,.. trouble was,..G.e. were not Pro's,..we were HOBBIEST'S ,..very skilled high energy amateurs,..very erratic,.. yet tight also,..very exact !! Think like,..The 1967 ?Who !!  Perfectionists ,..yet idealists,..performance art,..self destruction !! THEATRE OF THE ABSURD AND,...UH,...  With Mike, we almost became like just any other metal band,.. and I wanted no part of metal !! I listened to stuff like Black Flag,.. AND,.. stuff like firehose or the Minute Men and their three piece,, very appealing !! I wanted to be in Flipside Magazine ,..Not Bam !! I WANTED REAL CRED !!

Metal Jimmy; How did the final days with Flipper go ?

Hagins "; Very awkward,.. I had all these songs at home,..THAT OVER MANY YEARS,..I had WRITTEN 'ON GUITAR",,..kinda secretly ,..sorta like a Dave Grohlish TYPE Douchebag,.. .. I wanted G.e. to go in the direction of a Flipside like Punker OR INDIE TYPE three piece,.. yet still have long hair,.. I don't really know where this inspiration was coming from AS I WASN'T REALLY INTO THAT SCENE MYSELF ,.,.. all i knew was that I no longer wanted to jam with Flipper,..his stuff was getting way too metal,.. there was this awkward meet up where me and Ted saw him with another band at the studio,..very weird,..but in late 1990; America the Beautiful, Wilson Phillips, and Ben is Dead,..they had to be BORN !! AND THEY WERE !!

METAL JIMMY; THE NEW PUNKER "INDIE" G.E. !! GRUNGE ,..LOL ! late 1990 !! and I never got to see you douchebags Live either , damn !! Let's go south bay surfin' !!



Hagins; Like I said,... building up a ton of demo songs from over the 1980's ,..jamming when I lived below Cindy in 1986, cranking Sabbath,..but also getting into Bowie, The Who, and GENESIS ,THE TUBES,...Genesis ..THE GABRIEL YEARS,..AND JUST 'AFTER",..the first three Phil Collins Singing records,.. AND ROXY MUSIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck yeah,..and the Tube's Remote Control !!

METAL JIMMY; STAR, Ben is Dead, and Hey Negrita,..22nd Street, God's Joke,..heavy shit man !! AMAZING ALBUM !
Greenhouse-Effect-Songs '22ND STREET' VIDEO 2015 - MIX 3 - Bmi Recordings 2015. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

Hagins: Yes ,..late 1990 and early 91', some awesome music,..working with the late Billy Krodel,.. but then we met this guy named Andy Houston,,..amazing studio engineer,.. and on real minimal gear down there in Harbor City ,..we recorded "22nd Street" and all this amazing shit !! But 1991, here is where the G.e. story gets weird man , Craig Aaronson comes back into the picture,..and I was like "Where the fuck have you been asshole ?? lol "
Greenhouse-Effect_Songs "Star" Redondo-Beach_Calif. Vimeo Videos 2010 SuperNetCelebrityCom from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

Metal-Jimmy ; So he heard going Legit,..what did he think of it,..??

Hagins; WELL,... he was more blown away than ever before,.. he said it was "Genius" his words not mine and that we had really come along way since that other tape in 88',.. I told him that we actually had like 40 BRAND NEW songs but that,..we could only afford to record like 8 to 10,..LOL,,

Metal Jimmy ; So ,..Let's talk about 1991, a pivotal year for G.e. ,.. You and Ted ,..the "New" three piece,.. So which drummer did you guys jam with first ?? Was it Greg or Marty ?? 

Hagins; Actually , was Mike !! Me and Ted tried to play with him for a few rehearsals ,.. it just wasn't happening because his drumming was suited more to metal,,.And then we jammed with Palle for a bit who we found in a paper,.BUT,.. then,, night I heard this dude just hammering the drums inside a room, Bonham meets Moon,.. I waited around and when I saw the big dude unloading his gear,..I was like: You're hired for G,.e  Bro !! It was Marty Silva !!

METAL ; DID he play the Drums on the "White Black Song" from March 91' ,, ?arguably the definitive G.e. "Grunge" Song,.. WAS HE ON "Manipulation" ??

Hagins; No ,..that was all me,.,.all instruments except for bass,..carefully over-dubbed with Krodel,..,.quite a process,..Yeah,.. when I heard of all the racial shit in LA, the video taped beating of Rodney King all over the news, I was inspired to come up with this unusual amazing track I DO NOT KNOW FROM WHERE !, just came into my brain, a vision,..I carefully recorded every instrument on it,.. I knew I had something that day indeed !! I envisioned these real heavy guitars but that it was not Metal and with these pounding drums that almost grooved to like a Pop Dance beat !!,.. Like G n R meets the Cure meets Def Leppard meets The Cult meets Bowie !! Ted knew it too, He plays the bass,.. Marty was one of the early people to hear the track; he was blown away !! So was Aaronson !! AND SO TOO ,..WERE LOTS OF PEOPLE !! I believe this Track ,... may have been,.... "The original organized Grunge Song" ,...
Greenhouse-Effect-Songs-2015 - WHITE BLACK 2015 - Bmi Music UMG from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

Metal Jimmy; What were those early rehearsals like with Marty ,..? 

Hagins: Amazing,..ya know ,..I had to talk Marty into jammin' with us,.. I think he didn't think we were good enough,..but when he heard that tape,.. he was there like the next day ,.. and the very first time we ever jammed,.. we were insane tight,.. like we had been playing for 8 years or some shit !! all just from the three of us,..independently ,..listening to our tape,..
LOL,.. We were that good !!

Metal-Jimmy; But things didn't last long with Marty ??

Hagins; Marty was a rad drummer,... but I think our personalities didn't click or something,.. it was really weird in there,..he was a cool dude, but smoked a hella lotta pot , we played like three killer gigs with him,.. but I let him go June 1991, that's when we found Greg Tarpley !! And this guy fit RIGHT WITH GE. !! I call "This" the CLASSIC G.E. LINE UP !! 1991 !!

METAL ; Another Wilson Stadium gig ,.. 1991 ,..did you guys film that one ? I heard that was sick !!

Hagins: We should have ! We should have been more organized,..this was a key gig !! Somebody in the crowd filmed it ,.. but I've never seen it ,.. very tight,.."22nd Street" I remember was amazing ,.. Whole gig was insanely good gig,.. Me and Arronson arranged for Craig to be there,..but he never showed that day ,..bummer,..cause we probably woulda got signed ! ( LOL ),..a key missed destiny moment,.. That was June 1991 , awesome month !! More amazing gigs would follow,..and then comes the legendary one we all know , the Hermosa Saloon August 16, 1991 !! The one you have all seen online ,..all around the world !!  THE CLASSIC !

Metal: Do you think this guy Aaronson ripped off G.e. ?? Do you really believe these guys at Geffen just signed Nirvana ,..all because of you guys ,.? You think YOU ARE REALLY THE ONE WHO REALLY INVENTED GRUNGE HUH ?? AND SO TOO ,.do a lotta people back in the South Bay,..??

Hagins; "Well ,...look at the footage from Hermosa Saloon,..that is EXACTLY THE WAY WE LOOKED SINCE ABOUT SEPTEMBER 1990 ,..ME, Ted, and a drummer,.,..You tell me bro !,.... We would film ourselves, take endless pictures,.. record endless songs, albums, and everybody in town gloated about us,.. YOU TELL ME BRO !,, I THINK Nirvana had similar ideas about rock ,..because they were three guys BACK IN THAT TIME,.. just coincidentally,..who loved punk AND INDIE ,. rock,..and hated metal too,.,..AND ALL IN THAT Magical WEIRD TIME !....only they weren't from Los Angeles,..which was all metal,..they were from Seattle !! a better place to be from, that IMPORTANT time,..IN ROCK'S HISTORY !! WE MADE THE critical mistake of being From Redondo ,,.

METAL JIMMY; THAT GIG AUGUST 16, 1991, sticks with me,..and alotta' people, many people,..because of the similarities,... both you and Kurt had these troubled family and childhood backgrounds shit,., alike !! Both weird poets,..!! So strange man,. VERY WEIRD IRONIC,..

Hagins; Yeah,.. I remember ,..We mailed that to Craig ,, we printed up all these copies of that show,..because I "Knew" it was so amazing , My brother Geoff filmed it,..he never liked my band,..but he understood that gig; HE LIKED THAT SHOW !! ,..we had played thousands of gigs,.. but that one was so small and intimate,,.SO SPECIAL , really displayed my genius , vision, for the future of G.e. ,..the future of ALL ROCK !! BUT THEN,..'IT' HAPPENED,..

METAL; That day you saw Nirvana on Mtv,..

Hagins; Yeah,..Flipper confronted me,, he chased me around some cars saying he was gonna beat my ass,..he said; "You got our whole shit stolen Hagins" ,.I'll never forget it,.. I called Aaronson and left him threatening voice-mails,."I was like what the fuck dude,..? You guys can sign us too then !!" Then I found out who this Gary was; "It was Gary Gersh THE A & R GUY AT GEFFEN,. ,..the guy who SIGNED NIRVANA ,.,..THESE 2 GUYS BOTH HUNG Around the South Bay,... I THINK Craig gave him all our shit,..they built it from there,..they saw how organized we were, that we filmed all our shit, took pics,.. We were pros at a level and we didn't even know it,... nobody at the time thought indie rock could do anything,.. these guys "Knew" from STUDYING G.e. ,..OUR FILMS, OUR PICS, OUR BAND,.,..that alternative rock ,..COULD WORK !!!,.,.IT 'COULD' SELL ,...AND IT DID TOO !! 
AND IT'S FUNNY,.. because so many people had laughed at me,..especially my own family,..who were never really all that supportive,.. they thought I was an idiot,..told me to dress nicer and shit,..gimme a break,.. sheesh ,.. there were Douchebags tellin' me back then I should dress like Vince Neil, ,,

Metal ; I believe you bro,... I believe it's all true ,.. but I wonder why they never signed you, never gave G.e. its rightful chance ,..
Why the happenstance ?? 

Hagins: I don't know what or WHY it all happened bro,..just God,..or maybe the Rock gods,.. and it's so weird,..because it's just like me and a few close intimate people who really know and talk about this shit, all,'s really weird,.. I will never really understand it ,.. many nights thinking about it,'s like Dave Mustaine being kicked from Metallica type o' shit,..or Pete Best,.. Beatles,.very odd ,.. Later, when I found out Kurt killed himself in that Greenhouse,, that was quite ironic, poetic, and stunning,..almost like there is a Monster God of Our Universe,..who messes with every one ,..or maybe just me, the Truman show,.. I once had this dream,, God appeared to me, and He was like " I got yer back bro",... I DO KNOW ONE THANG BRO,... THE MUSIC INDUSTRY IS ALL Liberals ,...and I'm not a liberal ,..and I even thoroughly knew it,..and talked about it in depth and WAY BACK THEN TOO !! It's pretty much what the Song BIG TEEN DOLLARS is all about ,.. and one more thing bro,..there's a'lotta these "Hidden" Douchebag  conservatives ,..who suddenly quickly turn into a fake liberal ,,.. when they get signed,.. and the money starts fuckin' rolling,... that's the shit bro,..the thing I hate the MOST,... about Rock n Roll,.. Fame changes people ,..and FOR THE WORST !! and they become useful idiots ,.. 

Metal : Fuck bro,..that sucks,..

Hagins: Oh well,..all part of God's Devine Plan ,..what-ever the fuck that is I guess ( Lol ),..

Metal; BUT,.... Life went on for G.e. though,..and for one more year; 1992,..

Hagins: 1992 was like  this desperate year,.. I just threw out all the stops ,..and went for it,...recorded like 50 songs,... but it was too late,.. G.e. were the "Leaders" of the whole scene ,..but suddenly, we were like complete unknowns,.. I mean people didn't even laugh at us,..We were gone Bro !,..from first,..straight to last,.. Grunge and Alternative were suddenly all over the radio AND MTV,..and yet so weird How "I"  of all people ,..wasn't here,..wasn't a part of any of it,..That to me would be like the Beatles never getting signed back in the 60's ,..Yeah suddenly Seattle indie shit GRUNGE WAS THE HUGE THING,,,.. ,, not just Nirvana ,..but all that other weak shit,..I mean THE PHONIES,.. ALICE IN CHAINS AND  I hated Pearl Jam and those other bands, dudes like Kurt and ME; WE KNEW FAKES,.. and Eddie Vedder was a fucking FAKE ,..IF EVER THERE WAS ONE !! My thing with Nirvana was weird,..I was bummed about them,.. but at the same time,.. I had to admit,..their Sound was like nothing I had ever even heard before ,..Myself , was quite stunning , very confusing times indeed,.. Did I feel like Pete Best or maybe,..the guy kicked out of Blink 182 much later,. ,.. uh yeah,..THAT WAS ME,... KLAUSE MUSTAINE !! LOL,..

METAL; ( LAUGHING ) ,.. OK,.. BRO,..I wanna go back to late 1991,..and talk about "Brandy" before we conclude ,..because I see you are getting pissed,.. now,.. Clear the air here bro; what was that Song about ?? 


Greenhouse Effect Songs ; The Hermosa Saloon gig August 16, 1991 ; The future of Rock. (Grunge). from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

METAL JIMMY ; LOL HAHAHA ! You're so G.e. Bro !! Dude,.. Whats the Real Story there,..on that Track ?

Hagins ; "Well ,..The Studio Engineer "Wild" Billy Krodel ,..well ,..this guy could drink and I ain't gonna sugar coated it Bro !! ,..A couple of times I literally SAW this man drink himself into a hospital where Like ,..I had to go visit him in there,... and he was like,..wrapped up like a Mummy ,, Literally he couldn't even talk , he was in a bed,... and he said nothing ,,..TUBES and wires in his arms and all over him',....One time this dude was with me visiting him ,.. and we were like "Shit,..he's really fucked himself this time" ,..Anyway , the day we recorded "Brandy" ,..Billy was in there on the phone and really hung over,.,.I got shit done fast as usual,.,.I had to motivate Billy who seemed almost incoherent,... I remember it was like a Monday 1991 ,, Like October El Segundo Jet City Sounds,.. Studio by LAX ,..Franklin and Center Street ,..Probably the first track I wrote after hearing Nirvana ,.. there is no doubt , the guitars are huge legendary in this Song but Listen to it,... it's still not really 90's Rock ,..but yet IT IS !! INDEED ! I WANTED something that collided The Cure with U2 , Nirvana , Morrisey, The Smiths ,.. a really fucked up sad Emo Song that was very depressing yet like real poetic too AND BIG AND ARENA DYNAMIC ,... AND I KNEW this day, me and Billy recorded this; We had One of rock n roll's ( and Alternative / Indie's ) ,..ALL TIME GRUNGE CLASSICS ! I REMEMBER I THOUGHT THIS WAS A "HUGE IMPROVEMENT" OVER "WHITE BLACK THANG" which was recorded way before !! Back in Early 91' ,,..anyway ,.Billy was like in the studio wandering around,..he was hammered , acting very strange that day,..he reeked of Alcohol and he said he had been drinking Brandy all Weekend,... and 'THAT' IS where the title to his came from ; BELIEVE IT OR NOT ,..LOL !!! Somehow ,..I think Billy pulled off THE amazing Mix that day ,... OF ONE OF ROCK'S GREATEST SONGS !!! EXPLOSIVE DRUMS ON THAT TOO !! I RECORDED EVERYTHING except the bass by Ted, I often did ,...and on a shoe string budget !! ( LOL ),...
Greenhouse-Effect-Songs-2015 - BMI MUSIC - Greenhouse-Effect-Brandy-2015 - The G.e. Classics - Clark Hagins Classics. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

METAL JIMMY ; SO ,..1992,.. You kept right on rockin,..into the gray of the rock n roll wilderness,..  

HAGINS; Yeah,... way back then ,.I still thought ,..ya know at age 27,..I was gonna get signed n' all eventually ,, but that I certainly wouldn't have that impact that I would have had,..had I been signed much earlier ,..80's,.. 90' or 91' ,.. I would now have to be settling as a "follower" coat tails guy ,.. take it or leave it ,..


HAGINS; ( LAUGHS ),..Yeah ,..the beauty of me is ,..everyone ,..they all say I'm full of shit,..and it cannot be done ,.. but then I always prove that it can be ,, only sometimes, it's not me there, prove it,, lol ,..unfortunately ,'s someone else,.. ( Laughs )

METAL ; LET'S NOW TALK ABOUT THE 1992 awesome GIGS,... Marty Silva returns to the band ?? !!! All the tons of new recordings ,..and PALLE !!  WOW !!

Hagins; ( Laughs ) ,.. Yes,.. 1992 just starts off with a bang ,..a couple of powerhouse gigs,..One in Manhattan Beach at the "Reactor Club" with Marty ,..but once again, his stay is short ,.. this time, he just leaves on his own ,.. and we were actually stuck without a drummer,.. Palle was this dude we found in a Newspaper from back in 1991 and Me and Ted didn't think he was good enough ,..but his wacky image definitely seemed right for G.e. ,, we contacted him ,.. and a yet "Newer" G.e. was born,.. now this 1992 "Palle" phase I actually think is the most interesting ,.. Me and Ted had discovered Palle had greatly improved his drumming ,..and suddenly, it was like we were this "Nerdy" almost Weezer-like indie G.e. ,..only ,..this was 1992 ,..and there was no Weezer, No Green Day, No Beck, No glasses scene yet from the Zany Mid-1990's , NO BLINK 182 OR OFFSPRING OR ANY OF THAT YET !!,...alternative rock Mtv World and bands like FastBall, Sugar Ray,..and all that,.. I think,..with Palle, G.e. had invented,..yet another NEW THANG !! 


METAL ; YEAH ,..I SEE THAT,... I CAN also see stuff like almost No doubt or Toadies,..Rubber-Neck,, , You guys went Pop pro ,... Jaw breaker could have taken notes too,, lol ! the final phase of G.e. ,, right before the break up ,.. !!

Hagins: Yeah ,.. but the G.e. recordings were getting really good in 92' ,, now we are onto sophisticated shit indeed ,.. "Misogynistia"  ( Shes A Bitch ), No Takers, Search And Destroy, Five Years,... you can feel we were way past desperate ,..but we were also seasoned studio pros by then !! Many of these songs are like the G.e. "Prime" hit songs galore,..Ripping Reason, Irie Bob, White suburban Liars,.. We learned how to write hit tunes,... 
Greenhouse Effect Songs 1992 MISOGYNISTIA from the Rock Opera White Suburban Liar$. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

Metal ; "It ain't easy" is one of my favorites bro !!!

Hagins: Thanks,.. TOTALLY GOES WITH TROMBERG SURFING SHIT in that one !! lol,..

Metal ; this phase of G.e. ,'s almost like you guys are no longer indie or punk or garage rock or any of that,... you almost rock Pro like the Police, Dire Straights, The Cure, or STING !! LOL ,..LIKE IF PHIL COLLINS WENT PUNK ROCK !! WHAT WAS THE FINAL GIG ,..that G.e. ever played,..??

Hagins; UH,..yeah,... We started sucking Elton John's cock ,..for a bit, didn't work LOL

Metal Jimmy ; LOL hahahahahHAHAHA !

Hagins; Wow ,..I'm not really sure,... I think it was at Bogert's Long Beach ,.. I know there were several gigs where Ted wasn't there and we had Marky Nathanson fill in on bass,.. Weird nights,..Me and Palle with Mark the studio guy ,..we played a show at Raji's like this ,..and it was actually pretty tight,..I remember "Manipulation" rocked well that gig !! 

Metal; Tell me about that famous "Blue shirt" video session,..where it was really cold ,..LOL

Hagins ; Well, like November 1992, We gathered at Jet City Sound Studio El Segundo for what we agreed was "One final Time" , Ted had informed me he was joining the One Handed Readers in North Redondo,.,.. it was freezing cold in there,..we had no heater ,..I remember it was so cold that I was leaping around with my guitar,..and I couldn't get warm no matter what I did ,..and I was a guy who SWEATED,..A LOT !! HILARIOUS VIDEOS WE SHOT !! I was actually jumping around, an VANE effort to keep from being SO COLD !!

Metal; Another interesting track from that time period is "Irie Bob" ,..that one goes good with Pro surfing in so many videos !
Amazing Surfing Videos 2012 - Wave Ripping in Calif. - Produced By Matt Tromberg !! The Awesome Surf Videos. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

Hagins ; Yes,..that's an amazing little track ,.one of those mystery inspirations ,..We actually filmed a video to it also that night ,..

Metal ; "Five Years" is so fucking Rad too ,..from that era,..

Hagins; Oh yeah !!!


HAGINS;  IT WAS NOT MUCH LONGER,... I had no money ,, I think me and Palle continued with this new bassist named Phil from North Redondo ,..for a couple of weeks into 1992 December,..and that was it ,.. I thought about going solo ,.. but solo was never for me,..I always thought of myself as part of a "Band" ,..and those were the pictures and memories,..that I wanted,...

Metal Jimmy ; What about all the weird stuff in recent years time's now,.. ?? All your writings and shit and videos on the web kinda finally got G.e. discovered by more and more people today ,..and you've  told me ,..what  like,..shit's been deleted,.. by Youtube, Facebook , Vimeo, all kindsa important shit you've written bro,..tryin' to tell that IMPORTANT G.E. STORY ,..WTF uh,..IS,.. this shit ?? Online fights in the modern era today,.. with people from back in the South Bay ?? lol,..

Hagins; Yeah ,..dude ,..well you know the shit's been weird ,, G.e. and it's times and legacy is important shit,.. it's a little to very frustrating,... Tons of Youtube accounts deleted that had huge plays ,.. the real time of G.e. was a decade ago when the Web of today was called "The Net" back in 2005 to 2013 , that's when and where G.e. ruled ,..really not now,...We're just on Jango Radio now is all,..  and slowly over time, I discovered that it was mainly because of two now defunct sites , that G.e. was big in the first place and those were BlipTv which was taken down in like 2014 and GoogleVideo.Com ,..which was like this really important thing that got huge web-traffic that went off the air back in like 2009 or 2010 ,..or some shit,... and Myspace,.. when all that went down ,... and Zuck and Facebook begin to destroy competition ,,that's really where stuff on the web like G.e. started to die ,,..about 2012 into 2015, 16 ,..on into today , is a struggle ,... everything is all SEO ya gotta pay for now , can't get free shit now,... it's hopeless ,.... the Web now today is no longer the Wild Wild West of 2008 !! IT also almost feels like there's people and forces who DON'T WANT that G.e. story getting out there,... I've had the weirdest like legal threats and shit ,...emails to my Vimeo that are trippy ,..I mean ,..Vimeo never deletes anyone and suddenly one day, they were deleting ALL OF MY SHIT,..I MEAN ,...I know people out there think this shit is weird,... but how else do I tell my story ,.... I know of few other ways to articulate such imperative shit !! 


OCT 11, 2019 
METAL JIMMY - THE LEGEND AT THE GRAVES - Video Feb 28, 9 16 33 PM from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

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